out November 8th, 2024

This new album, 4, is Drugg’s fourth full-length album, and is inspired by all of the great 4th albums that came before it (Black Sabbath 4, Led Zeppelin 4, Beyoncé 4, etc). It was self-recorded in Drugg’s converted garage studio in Springfield, Missouri, with Drugg playing most of the instruments themself. Drawing influence from their work as a sideman, Drugg decided that it was time to sit down and write some songs with substance… Songs that could be stripped away and not be reliant on any fancy studio tricks or complex instrumentation. The subject matter on this album ranges from knocking a tooth out as a child to taking a walk on acid to get a slice of pizza…a glimpse into the moments between gigs for one slacker sideman out of Missouri.

"Got a Wild Hair"